STDB Library


  Free Software






Simple transactional database (STDB) is a free software library implementing a database engine based on transactions. Movements through this database are threated like "atomic transactions", so we are not allowed to introduce broken entries. This property can help us to maintain database coherence.

STDB works using pairs key/value, so it can be implemented in a huge variety of applications. Details on its functions are introduced in the Understanding section and detailed in the Documentation.

This project was started by Andreu Moreno (E.U.S.S. University) and is now maintained by Alex Blanquer (pupil at the same University). The library is under GNU License, so you are welcome to copy, modify or redistribute it and/or its changes.


This software is written under GNU Free Software License, so you are free to copy, modify and/or redistribute total or partially this contents. More on Free Software is explained in here.


STDB is a researh project I'm going to present as final essay at E.U.S.S. University (Barcelona, SPAIN). My name is Alex Blanquer ( and I have been always interested in Open Source, Linux and computing, so I thougth it would be a good way to finish my studies developing an Open Source project.

The initial idea comes from my Instrumentation and Industrial Computing teacher, Andreu Moreno ( who is an Open Source enthusiast, too. He started developing the library and the basis of its functions as a research project, too. My work consists in debug, maintain and documentate the project and publish it at SourceForge, one of the most important Open Source farms around the WWW. Logo

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