STDB Library
Free Software
STDB is compiled as a shared library so you can use easily into your developments system wide. The steps to get,
compile and install the library are very simple, assuming you've got the basic compiling tools installed on your
linux box. You just need "make" and "g++" to successfully compile STDB, and then:
- Save the file "stdb-1.0.tar.gz" to a temporary directory.
- Untar the file using "tar zxvf stdb-1.0.tar.gz".
- Enter to the new created directory, named "stdb-1.0".
- Execute "make" and the compilation begins.
- Execute, as root, "make install" and the library will be copied to /usr/lib.
- Finally, execute, as root, the command "ldconfig". This tells the system to find new installed libraries.
Once you have installed STDB correctly, you'll be ready to use it. Just add the header "stdb.h" to your applications
and that's all. If you don't remember the Functions into the library, take a look to the header file or go directly to
the Documentation section.
If you don't want to install definitely the library, there's the alternative to tell your system where is the compiled
library using an enviroment variable. To do so, follow steps one to four and, instead of executing the fifth one, do:
- "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/the/".
This may be handy if your don't have root privileges and you're not able to install libraries system wide.
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